Jump Rope Songs and Skipping Rope Rhymes

Jump Rope Songs and Rhymes

Possibly one of the lager collections of jump rope rhymes on the web. I am in the process of reorganising this page to make it easier to find old songs, learn new ones and print out the collection. ** Do you have an unknown Rhyme to contribute? Please feel free to add new ones by adding to comments below.

After exploring this “Large Page of Jump Rope Songs” have a look at some of our other collections below.
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Please feel free to add to our list of Songs in the Comments below.

Not Last Night but the night before.
Twenty-four robbers came knocking at my door,
They called me out for the world to see,
And this is what they said to me–
‘Spanish dancer turn around,
Spanish dancer touch the ground,
Spanish dancer do the kicks,
Spanish dancer do the splits!’
(the child should do each of the commands while skipping
* ( the “splits” is more like making a V)

Spanish Dancer Variations

Spanish dancer, do the split.
Spanish dancer, give a kick.
Spanish dancer, turn around.
Spanish dancer, get out of town.

Spanish dancer, do the splits,
Spanish dancer, do high kicks.
Spanish dancer, clicks a shoe,
Spanish dancer, chooses YOU!

Spelling Hipp-o-pot-a-mus

You’ve got the hip (put hand on hip)
The “O” (put arms up in the air in the shape of an O)
The “Pot” (put arms in front of you — still in the O shape — imagine you’re hugging a big pot in front of you)
The “Toe” (lift one of your legs up and touch your toe with your hand)
And the “Miss”! (stop the skipping rope by jumping over it, one leg on each side, when it’s on the ground)
(the child should do each of the commands while skipping (er, the “splits” is more like making a V with your legs unless you’re really talented)

How do you spell Mississippi?

M (cross arms over chest)
I (point to your eye)
S Crooked letter (cross legs and jump)
S Crooked letter (cross legs and jump)
I (point to eye)
P Hunch back
P Hunch back

I’m a Little Dutch Girl Variations

I’m a little Dutch girl
Dressed in blue.
These are the things
I like to do:
Salute to the captain,
Curtsey to the queen,
Turn my back
On __________ submarine.

I’m a little Dutch girl
Dressed in blue.
Here are the things
I like to do:
Salute to the captain,
Bow to the queen,
Turn by back
On the submarine.
I can do the tap dance,
I can do the split,
I can do the holka polka
Just like this.

I’m a little Dutch girl
Dressed in blue
Here are the things
I like to do
Salute to the captain
Bow to the queen
Turn my back
On the submarine
I can do the tap dance
I can do the split
I can do the holka polka
Just like this
{act out the rhyme while you jump}

I am a Girl Guide dressed in blue,
These are the actions I must do,
Salute to the Captain,
Bow to the Queen,
And turn my back ,
To the boy in green.

I went downtown
To see Ms. Brown,
She gave me a nickel
To buy a pickle,
The pickle was sour,
So I bought a flower.
The flower was dead, she gave me a tack.
The tack was sharp, she gave me a harp.
The harp was broke, she gave me a cloak.
The cloak was tight, she gave me a kite.
The kite away flew, and I did too.
(Player runs out at too)

Mabel, Mabel, set the table,
Just as fast as you are able.
Don’t forget the salt, sugar, vinegar, mustard,
red-hot pepper!

Mabel, Mabel, neat and able.
Mabel, Mabel, set the table,
And don’t forget the
Red Hot Peppers!

Mabel, Mabel, set the table.
Don’t forget the red hot label.
Shake the salt and shake the pepper.
Who will be the highest stepper?
Winds blow hot and winds blow freeze,
How many times did Mabel sneeze?
One, two, three . . . . .
Minnie Minnihaha went to see her Papa,
Papa died. Minnie cried,
Minnie had a new born baby.
Stuck it in the bathtub to see if it could swim.
Drank a gallon of water, ate a bar of soap.
In come the Doctor, in came the nurse,
in came the lady with the alligator purse.
Out went the doctor, out went the nurse.
Out went the lady with an alligator purse.



Miss Lucy had a baby
And she named him Tiny Tim.
She put him in the bathtub
To see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water.
He ate up all the soap.
He tried to eat the bathtub
But it wouldn’t go down his throat.
Miss Lucy called the doctor,
Miss Lucy called the nurse.
Miss Lucy called the lady with the alligator purse.

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
All down her back, back, back.
She asked her mother, mother, mother,
For fifteen cents, cents, cents,
To see the elephant, elephant, elephant,
Jump the fence, fence, fence.
He jumped so high, high, high.
He reached the sky, sky, sky,
And he never came back, back, back
Till the Fourth of July, lie, lie.


Mississippi lives by the shore,
She has children three and four,
The oldest one is twenty-four.
She shall marry
Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor.
Mother, Mother, I am ill
Call for the doctor over the hill.
In came the doctor,
In came the nurse,
In came the lady with the alligator purse.
Measles, said the doctor.
Mumps, said the nurse.
Nothing, said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out goes the doctor, out goes the nurse,
Out goes the lady with the alligator purse.
My mother said
I never should play
With the gypsies in the woods.
If I did
She would say
Naughty girl to disobey.
My mommy told me,
If I was good-y
She would buy me,
A rubber dolly.
My auntie told her,
I kissed a soldier.
Now she won’t buy me,
A rubber dolly.
Old Mother Whittlehouse
Had a big fit.
First she did the merry-go-round
And then she did the split.

Teddy Bear Variations

Teddy bear , teddy bear ,
Touch the ground ,
Teddy bear , teddy bear ,
Turn around ,
Teddy bear , teddy bear ,
Walk upstairs ,
Teddy bear , teddy bear ,
Say your prayers,
Teddy bear , teddy bear ,
Turn down the light,
Teddy bear , teddy bear ,
Say good night.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Show your shoe.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
That will do.

Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Go upstairs.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Say your prayers.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn out the light.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Say good night.

Teddy bear, teddy bear, dressed in blue,
Can you do what I tell you to?
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, do the splits.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, give a high kick.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, go upstairs.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say your prayers.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn out the light.

Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night.
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear turn around
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear touch the ground
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear show your shoe
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear that will do
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear go upstairs
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear say your prayers
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear turn off the light
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear say good night.

{each child tries to act out the rhyme while jumping rope}

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs-
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers-
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn out the lights-
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good-night!

Policeman Variations

Policeman, policeman, do your duty,
Here comes (name of next jumper)
And she’s a cutie;
She can jump, she can twist,
But I bet she can’t do this.
Down by the valley where the green grass grows sat pretty ( girls name) pretty as a rose she sang and she sang and she sang so sweet along came ( a boy the jumper likes) kissed her on the cheek shame shame double shame now we know your boyfriends name took her to the movies sat her on his lap asked her a question will you marry me yes,no.maby (keep going until the jumper misses. – Sun Apr 10 2005

Oh I ain’t going to Woolco anymore anymore There’s a big fat policeman at the
door at the door(person 2 jumps in) He’ll/She’ll grab you by the collar (perform
action) And He’ll/She’ll ask you for a dollar (perform action) Oh I ain’t going
to Woolco anymore (both jump out)

Oh I ain’t going to Woolco anymore anymore
There’s a big fat policeman at the door at the door (person 2 jumps in)
He’ll/She’ll grab you by the collar (perform action)
And He’ll/She’ll ask you for a dollar (perform action)
Oh I ain’t going to Woolco anymore (both jump out)
– Contributed Tue May 11 2004

had a little sports car 248 went around the corner  (say until the person jumpes out and goes around then jumpes back in)
slammed on the brakes.
Police man stopped me put me on his knee,
asked me a silly questions will you marry me,
yes no maybe so (until the person makes a mistake
Contributed – Sat Apr 09 2005

One I love, Two I love,
Three I love I say;
Four I love with all my heart,
Five I cast away.
Six he loves, Seven she loves,
Eight both love;
Nine he comes, Ten he tarries,
Eleven he courts, Twelve he marries.

One, two, three A-larry,
My first name is Mary.
Don’t you think that I look cute?
In my brother’s bathing suit?

Peter, Peter pumpkin eater.
Had a wife and couldn’t keep her.
Put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well.
Postman, Postman,
Do your duty.
Send this letter
To my cutie.
Don’t you stop
Nor don’t delay.
Get it to her
Right away.
Postman, Postman, do your duty.
Send this letter to an American beauty.
Don’t you stop and don’t delay.
Get it to her right away.

Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief,
Doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief.
Her shoes will be
Wood, leather, high heel, low heel, sandals, wooden.
Her dress will be made of
Silk, satin, cotton, batten, rags.
Her house will be
Big house, little house, pigpen, barn.
Her rings shall be made of
Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, glass.
How many children will she get?
1, 2, 3 . . . . .

And now you’re married you must obey,
You must be true in every way.
You must be kind, you must be good,
And make your husband chop the wood.

Robin Hood, Robin Hood dressed so good,
Got as many kisses as he could.
How many kisses did he get?
1, 2, 3 . . . . .

Rooms for rent,
Inquire within.
As I move out
Let Rachel come in.

She is handsome, she is pretty,
She is the belle of Belfast city.
She is courting, 1, 2, 3-
Please won’t you tell me, who is he?
Albert Mooney says he loves her.
All the boys are fighting for her.
They rap at the door, they ring at the bell,
Saying, ‘O my true-love, fare you well?Ó
Out she comes as white as snow,
Rings on her fingers, bells on her toes.
Ould Johnny Murry says she’ll die
If she doesn’t get the fellow with the roving eye

Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high,
And the snow come dropping from the sky,
She’s as nice as apple pie,
And she’ll get her own lad by and by.
When she gets a lad of her own,
She won’t turn around when she comes home.
Let them call as they will,
It’s Albert Mooney she loves still.
Sixteen bluebirds sitting on a fence.
Flapped their wings and started to dance.
Upward, downward,
All along the line,
Brightly preened and looking fine!
Count 1, 2, 3 . . . . .

Even More


Strawberry shortcake, cream on top.
Tell me the name of your sweetheart?
Is it …….
Alex, Brandon, Cam, Danielle, . . . . . .
* make them up as you go


The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters tall
From the top to bottom.
We can see the River Seine.
To climb it we pay
One, two, three. . . . .


The wind, the wind, the wind blows high,
It blows Mary through the sky.
She is fair and she is pretty
She is the girl from the tin can city.
She can play the piano, 1 2 3
Mary, Mary, who is she?
Johnny, Johnny says he loves her.
Off they go with a kiss, kiss, kiss.
He took her to the courtyard,
Asked her, ‘Will you marry me?
Ó Yes, No, Maybe so, Yes, No, Maybe so.
Three, six, nine, the goose drank wine,
The monkey chewed tobacco on the street car line.
The lion choked, the monkey croaked,
And they all went to heaven in a little row boat,
Clap-Clap! Clap-Clap!
Two little pails of water,
Two little pails of water,
Girls in wooden shoes,
Girls with wooden legs.
You can go through my garden fence, la, la,
The king drove through my garden fence, la, la.
One, two, three . . . . .
Up the ladder, down the ladder,
A, B, C,
Up the ladder, down the ladder,
H – O – T!
Wash the dishes dry the dishes,
Have a cup of tea.
Don’t forget the sugar.
A-one, a-two, a-three . . .
When I was one I ate a bun,
Going over the sea.
I jumped aboard a sailorman’s ship,
And the sailorman said to me,
‘Going over, going under,
Stand at attention like a soldier,
With a one, two, and three.
When I was two I buckled my shoe,
Going over the sea.
I jumped aboard a sailorman’s ship,
And the sailorman said to me, . . ..
When I was three I banged my knee,
When I was four I shut the door,
When I was five I learned to jive,
When I was six I picked up sticks,
When I was seven I went to heaven,
When I was eight I learned to skate,
When I was nine I climbed a vine,
When I was ten I caught a hen.
Will I marry, tell me so,
Is the answer yes or no?
Yes, no maybe so, yes, no, maybe so . . . .


Windy, windy weather,
All in together,
January, February . . ..
Windy, windy weather,
They all run out together,
January, February . . . . .


With salad I am sick,
With celery I am cured.
How many stalks of celery
One, two, three . . . . .


Zoop la la,
Hey la la,
Zoop la la,
Hey la la,
Zoop, zoop, zoop

Cinderella Variations

Cinderella, dressed in yellow
Went upstairs to kiss a fellow
Made a mistake
Kissed a snake
How many docotrs
Did it take?
{count until someone makes a mistake}

A – my name is Alice
And my husband’s name is Albert
And we come from Akron
With a car load of apples
B – my name is Barbara
And my husband’s name is Bobby
And we come from Boston
With a car load of bananas
(continue through the alphabet until someone makes a mistake)

One two buckle my shoe
Three four close the door
Five six pick up sticks
Seven eight shut the gate
Nine ten start again
{continue until someone makes a mistake}

Halloweena Heckatee
Couldn’t brew a cup of tea
The only potion she could brew
Was wishy washy mousetail stew
Hurry Scurry had a worry
No one liked his chicken curry
Stuck his finger in the pot
Chicken curry way too hot.
Kookaburra sits in the old oak tree
Merry merry king of the woods is he
Laugh Kookaburra
Laugh Kookaburra
Gay your life must be.

Kookaburra sits in the old oak tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop Kookaburra
Stop Kookaburra
Leave a few for me
How many gumdrops will he leave?
{count until someone makes a mistake}


_______ ( a girl’s name) and ______ (a boy’s name) sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes ________ (girl’s name) with a baby carriage
How many children will they have?
{continue to count until someone makes a mistake}
Bobby Shaftoe went to sea
Silver buckles on his knee
He’ll come back to marry me
Bonny Bobby Shaftoe

Bobby Shaftoe’s bright and fair
Combing down his yellow hair
He’s my love forever more
Bonny Bobby Shaftoe

Bobby Shaftoe went to sea
Silver buckles on his knee
He’ll come back to marry me
Bonny Bobby shaftoe
How many days until he comes back?
{count until someone misses}


Miss Suzie had a steamboat
The steamboat had a bell
Miss Suzie went to heaven
The steamboat went to
Hello operator
Please give me number nine
If you disconnect me
I’ll kick you from
Behind the refrigerator there was a piece of glass
Miss Suzie sat upon it and cut her little
Ask me no more questions
Tell me no more lies
The boys are in the bathroom zipping up their
Flies are in the meadow
The bees are in the park
Miss Suzie and her boyfriend are kissing in the
Dark is like a movie
A movie’s like a show
A show is like a TV screen
And that is all I know



I went upstairs to make my bed
I made a mistake and bumped my head
I went downstairs to milk my cow
I made a mistake and milked the sow
I went into the kitchen to bake a pie
I mad a mistake and baked a fly
How many flies does it take to make a pie
{count until someone misses}


A sailor went to sea sea sea
To see what he could see see see
But all that he could see see see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea


I love coffee
I love tea
I love the boys
And the boys love me
How many boys love me
{count untill someone misses}


I like coffee, I like tea
I like (name) to jump with me!


Down in the valley
Where the green grass grows
There sat ______(girl’s name)
Sweet as a rose
She sang, she sang
She sang so sweet
Along came ______(boy’s name)
And kissed her cheek
How many kisses did he give her
{count until someone misses}


A,B,C and vegetable goop
What will I find in my alphabet soup?
{recite the alphabet until you miss….then make up something that starts with the letter you missed on}

A, B, C and vegetable goop.
What will I find in my alphabet soup?
A, B, C. . . . . . . .
(When you miss, make up something that starts with the letter you missed on.)

Mother, mother, I am ill
Call for the doctor over the hill
In came the doctor
In came the nurse
In came the lady with the alligator purse
“Measles” said the doctor
“Mumps” said the nurse
“Nothing” said the lady
With the alligator purse.
A my name is Alice
And my husband’s name is Arthur,
We come from Alabama,
Where we sell artichokes.
B my name is Barney
And my wife’s name is Bridget,
We come from Brooklyn,
Where we sell bicycles.
C my name is _________
And my husband’s name is ___________
We come from __________
Where we sell ___________.
(Continue throughout the alphabet)



All in together, girls.
How do you like the weather, girls?
January, February, March, April . . .


Anthy Maria jumped in the fire.
The fire too hot, she jumped in the pot.
The pot was too black, she jumped in a crack.
The pot was soon over, she jumped in some clover.
Clover’s too sweet; she kicked up her feet.
Feet was soon over, she cried 1, 2, 3,
Jumped in a tree.
The tree was so high she couldn’t go higher.
‘Long came a breeze, blew her away.


Apartment for rent, inquire within,
When _________ moves out, let ___________ in.


Apples, peaches, pears, and plums
Tell me when your birthday comes.
As I went down to my grandfather’s farm.
A Billy goat chased me around the barn.
It chased me up a sycamore tree,
And this is what it said to me:
‘I like coffee, I like tea,
I like _________ to jump with me.


Benjamin Franklin went to France
To teach the ladies how to dance.
First the heel, and then the toe,
Spin around and out you go.


Blackbirds, blackbirds,
Sitting on a wire.
What do you do there?
May we inquire?
‘We just sit to see the day,
Then we flock and fly away.
By 1, 2, 3. . . . .


Bluebells, cockle shells,
Eevie, ivy, over;
I like coffee, I like tea;
I like the boys, and the boys like me.
Tell your mother to hold her tongue;
She had a fellow when she was young.
Tell your father to do the same;
He had a girl and he changed her name.


Bluebells, cockle shells,
Eevie, ivy, over;
Mother went to market
To buy some meat;
Baby’s in the cradle
Fast asleep.
The old clock on the mantel says
One o’clock, two o’clock..
(to twelve o’clock)


Bubble gum, bubble gum
Penny a packet,
First you chew it,
Then you crack it,
Then you stick it
In your jacket,
Then your parents
Kick up a racket.
Bubble gum, bubble gum, Penny a packet.


Bubble gum, bubble gum, chew and blow,
Bubble gum, bubble gum, scrape your toe,
Bubble gum, bubble gum, tastes so sweet,
Get that bubble gum off your feet!


Butterfly, Butterfly, throws a kiss, kiss, kiss,
Butterfly, Butterfly, get out before you miss, miss, miss.


Calling in, calling out,
_________ runs in when I run out!


Charlie Chaplin went to France,
To teach the ladies the hula dance.
First on the heels,
Then on the toes,
Around and around and around you go.
Salute to the Captain,
Bow to the Queen,
Touch the bottom of the submarine.


Chimacum Cheetahs, turn around,
Chimacum Cheetahs, touch the ground,
Chimacum Cheetahs, show your spots,
Chimacum Cheetahs, hot, hot, hot!


Christopher Columbus
Sailed the ocean blue
In fourteen hundred
And ninety-two.



Chocolate bears and gingerbread cats,
All dressed up in whipped-cream hats.
Danced in the garden under the moon,
Beat sweet rhythms with a wooden spoon,
Whirling, turning, jumping to the beat,
Melting down to their ice cream feet.
When the baker ran to see,
They ran beneath the gum-gum tree,
Running in between the rows,
Tripping over ice cream toes.
There were 1, 2, 3 . . .


Cinderella dressed in yella,
Went downstairs to kiss a fella,
Made a mistake and kissed a snake.
How many doctors did it take
1, 2, 3, . . . .


Tracy Teagarden, AACS student
Laura Smith, grade 9
M. Young, AASC 5th grade teacher
Erin Pollard, AACS student
Bobbie Clark, grade 1
Jocelyn and Marissa DiRocco, AACS students
Caitlin Pollard, Grade 2


Cinderella dressed in yellow
Went downstairs to kiss her fellow.
How many kisses did she give?
One, two, three, four, five . . .
Cookies in jar, candy in the dish;
How many pieces do you wish?
1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . .


Dolly Dimple walks like this,
Dolly Dimple talks like this,
Dolly Dimple smiles like this,
Dolly Dimple throws a kiss.


Down in the alley where the garbage grows,
A flea jumped on an elephant’s toes,
The elephant cried with tears in his eyes,
Why don’t you pick on someone your size?
Down in the valley
Where the green grass grows
Sat little Annie
As sweet as a rose.
Along came a boy
And kissed her on the cheek.
Why, Annie, you ought to be ashamed!
Got a little boyfriend
And you don’t know his name!
What is his name?
A, B, C …


Down in the valley where the green grass grows,
There sat __________ as pretty as a rose.
She sang so high, she sang so sweet,
Along came ________ and kissed her on the cheek.
How many kisses did she get?
1, 2, 3 . . . . .


Down by the riverside the green grass grows,
Where someone walks, some tiptoe.
She sings, she sings so sweet,
She calls over to someone across the street.
‘Tea cakes, pancakes, everything you see,
Meet me at the park at half past three.


Early in the morning, about eight o’clock,
What should I hear but the postman’s knock.
Up jumps ____________ to open the door,
How many letters did she find on the floor?
A, B, C, D . . . . .


Grace, Grace dressed in lace.
Went upstairs to powder her face.
How many boxes did it take?
1, 2, 3 . . . . .


Gypsy, gypsy
Please tell me.
What’s my sweetheart going to be:
Doctor, Lawyer, banker, thief,
Sailor, soldier, Indian Chief?


Hello, hello, hello, sir.
Meet me at the grocer.
No, sir. Why, sir?
Because I have a cold, sir.
Where did you get the cold, sir?
At the North Pole, sir.
What were you doing there, sir?
Counting polar bears, sir.
How many did you count, sir?
One, two, three, four, five . . . .


Here am I, little jumping Joan;
When nobody’s with me
I’m always alone.
Hickety Pickety Pop,
How many times before I stop?
1, 2, 3 . . . .


I asked my parents for 15 cents,
To see the platypus jump the fence.
She jumped so high she touched the sky,
And didn’t come back till the Fourth of July.


I asked my mother for fifty cents
To see the elephant jump the fence.
He jumped so high he touched the sky,
And never came back till the Fourth of July
(Jump higher and higher)


I eat my peas with honey,
I’ve done it all my life.
It looks a little funny.
But it keeps them on my knife.
How many peas can I get on my knife?
1, 2, 3, . . . . .


I had a little brother
And his name was Johnny.
He played in the meadow
where the frogs croaked funny.
He ran through the meadow
With a song on his tongue,
And he picked a few flowers
Just for fun.
How many flowers did he find?
1, 2, 3 . . . .


I know a boy and he is doubled-jointed,
He gave me a kiss and I was disappointed.
He gave me another to match the other,
Now, now, ____________, I’ll tell your mother.
How many kisses did I get last night?
1, 2, 3. . . . .


I know a little lady
But her name is Miss.
She went around the corner
To buy some fish.
She met a little fellow
And she gave him a kiss.
I know a little lady
But her name is Miss.


I like coffee,
I like tea.
I like ________ to jump with me.
* insert name


I love coffee,
I love tea.
I love the boys
And the boys love me.


I like coffee, I like tea,
I like sitting on Bobby’s knee.
Salute to the king and bow to the queen,
And turn your back on the gypsy queen.


I made a wish jumping rope,
I caught a fish jumping rope,
I gave a kiss jumping rope,
How many wishes (fishes, kisses) did I get?
1, 2, 3, . . . . .


Ice cream soda, lemonade, punch;
Spell the initials of my (your) honey bunch.
A-B-C-D . . . .


If bubble gum is free, free, free,
Please give some to me, me, me.
I am clever, not a dunce,
How many can I chew at once?
One, two, three . . . .


Jelly in the dish,
Jelly in the dish,
Jelly in the dish.


Ink, ink, a bottle of ink,
The cork fell off and you stink.
Not because you’ re dirty, not because you’re clean,
Just because you kiss the girls behind the magazine!


Ipsey Pipsey, tell me true,
Who shall I be married to?
A, B, C. . . . . .

Blue bells, cockle shells, easy, ivy, over

(a warm up song, the rope is swung back and forth gently, a full
turn on the word over, then continue with any song you wish)
Lady, lady, touch the ground,
Lady, lady, turn around.
Turn to the east, and turn to the west,
And choose the one you like the best.
Lady, lady, touch the ground,
Lady, lady, turn around.
Lady, lady show your shoe,
Lady, lady, now skidoo!
Ladybug, Ladybug, turn around,
Ladybug, Ladybug touch the ground.
Ladybug, Ladybug shine your shoes,
Ladybug, Ladybug read the news.
Ladybug, ladybug, how old are you?
One, two, three, four . . . .


Landon in the White House
Waiting to be elected.
Rosevelt in the garbage can,
Waiting to be collected.
Lemon drops and sugar candy,
Both of these taste just dandy.
Best of all is cherry pop,
How many jumps before I stop?
One, two, three . . . . .
I can do a polka, I can do a split,
I can do a tap dance, just like this!
1, 2, 3 . . . .
One whale, two whales, three whales, four,
One orca, two pods, three calves, more!
Strawberry shortcake, cream on top
Tell me the name of your sweetheart:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, etc.



Call the Army, call the Navy
(name)’s gonna have a baby.
Wrap it up in tissue paper,
send it down the elevator,
(Rope turned double time)
Boy, girl, twins, triplets, boys, girls, twins, triplets, etc.


Red hot pepper in the pot,
Who’s got more than the leader’s got?
(jump double time) 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, please skiddooo!
(jumping out on the word skidooo)


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, climb the stairs,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn out the light,
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good night!


I’m a little Dutch girl dressed in blue,
Here are the things I like to do.
Salute the Captain,
Curtsy to the queen,
Turn my back on a big submarine!
(You could jump out at this point, but really good jumpers and/or hams would continue with this:)
I can do a tap dance
I can do a split
I can do the polka just like this!
(name) and (name) sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
First comes love, then comes marriage,
Then comes (name) with a baby carriage.
All in together girls,
how do you like the weather girls,
Tell us your birthday, please jump in:
January, February, March, April, May, etc.
( Jumpers come in on their birthday month. Then:)
All out together girls,
how do you like the weather girls,
When is your birthday, please jump out, etc.
Fire, Fire, false alarm,
(name) fell into (name)’s arms,
Is he gonna be the one?
(double time) Yes, no, maybe so, yes, no, maybe so, etc.
Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss her fella. By mistake she kissed a snake, How many doctors did it take? 1…2…3…4…
Mailman, mailman, do your duty, here comes miss american beauty. She can do the can-can, she can do the splits, but most of all she can kiss-kiss-kiss! K…I…S…S…(on each letter the child moves his or her feet more and more outward, doing better and better splits. the first one to fall loses)


Mailman, mailman, do your duty, here comes miss american beauty. She can do the can-can, she can do the splits, but most of all she can kiss-kiss-kiss! K…I…S…S…(on each letter the child moves his or her feet more and more outward, doing better and better splits. the first one to fall loses)


A sailor went to sea sea sea To see what he could see see see But all that he could see see see Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea A sailor went to China** To see what he could China But all that he could China Was the bottom of the deep blue China **every time you say China, put your hands together and bow. A sailor went to Texas*** to see what he could Texas but all that he could Texas was the bottom of the deep blue Texas! *** Every time you say Texas, move your right arm around in the air, like twirling a lasso A sailor went to doo-wop, doo-wop,**** to see what he could doo-wop, doo-wop, but all that he could doo-wop, doo-wop, was the bottom of the deep blue doo-wop, doo-wop!!! **** Every time you say doo-wop, doo-wop, shake your butt like you’re dancing.


Ms. Suzie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, (ding-ding) Ms. Suzie went to heaven and the steamboat went to- hello operator, please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I will chop off your- behind the fridgerator, there was a piece of glass, miss suzie sat upon it and it went straight up her- ask me no more questions, please tell me no more lies, the boys are in the bathroom, zipping up their- flies are in the courtyard, bees are in the park, the boys and girls are kissing in the D-A-R-K dark dark dark! The dark is like a movie, a movie’s like a show, a show is like my TV set and that’s not all I know I know my ma, I know I know my pa, I know I know my sister with the alligator bra! My mom gave me a nickel, my dad gave me a dime, my sis gave me her boyfriend, who hit me all the time! I gave mom back the nickel, I gave dad back the dime, I traded back the boyfriend, Instead got frankenstien! He made me wash the dishes, he made me scrub the floor! He made me call him “your highness” and more and more and more!

Kookaburra sits in the old GUM tree Merry, merry king of the BUSH is he, Laugh kookaburra, luagh Kookabuura, gay your life must be

Here in Brazil we use to sing a skipping rope song like this:
A man knocked in to my door
And I just opened
Mr. and Mss.
Hop in one foot
Mr. and Mss. turn around
Mr. and Mss. touch the ground
And, get, get out!!!
(Kids are supposed to do what the song says)


D I S H choice sleeping beauty criss cross criss cross around the world pop up cigarate mumbo (intill the person stops.)



Bubble gum, Bubble gum in a dish
How many pieces do you wish?


What would a woodchuck chop if a woodchuck could chop wood
If the woodchuck could chp wood how much wood would the woodchuck chop?


Cinderella, dressed in blue,
Who’s gunna go to the ball with you?!
A, B, C, D, E, … ect.




jam, jam, apple tart,
tell me the name of your sweetheart,
A, B, C…. (faster and faster, then letter stopped on use in next part)
____ (name using letter stopped on) do you love me,
yes, no, maybe so,
yes, no maybe so……


ronald mc donald mc donald..(a biscuit)..ooo sexy mama (a biscuit) how do u like my lover? (a biscuit) he’s so fine… (a biscuit) taste like cherry wine (a biscuit)… now repeat after me (speed up paste)….i said a ice cream soda pop, ginerale lolipop..ABCDEFG…i said a get yo dirty hands off me, i said a oooosha oooosha oooosha now FREEZE!


For ‘Hello, hello, hello, sir’ we used to end like this in Yorkshire
‘Catching polar bears, sir’
‘How many did you catch?’
‘One two three, sir,
The rest caught me, sir!’ and the child runs out

Fudge, Fudge
Call the judge.
(girl’s name) having a baby
wrap it up in tissue paper,
send it down the elavator.
One, tow, three, four, five…..

Kookaburra sits in the old GUM tree
Merry, merry king of the BUSH is he,
Laugh kookaburra, luagh Kookabuura, gay your life must be.

(This is an Australian song please change the words so that they are Australian not an American or British.)

I don’t no no no, dont jump on my toe toe toe


Ms. Suzie had a steamboat,
The steamboat had a bell, (ding-ding)
Ms. Suzie went to heaven and the steamboat went to-
hello operator,
please give me number nine,
and if you disconnect me I will chop off your-
behind the fridgerator,
there was a piece of glass,
miss suzie sat upon it and it went straight up her-
ask me no more questions,
please tell me no more lies,
the boys are in the bathroom,
zipping up their-
flies are in the courtyard,
bees are in the park,
the boys and girls are kissing in the D-A-R-K dark dark dark!


The dark is like a movie,
a movie’s like a show,
a show is like my TV set and that’s not all
I know I know my ma,
I know I know my pa,
I know I know my sister with the alligator bra!
My mom gave me a nickel,
my dad gave me a dime,
my sis gave me her boyfriend,
who hit me all the time!
I gave mom back the nickel,
I gave dad back the dime,
I traded back the boyfriend,
Instead got frankenstien!
He made me wash the dishes,
he made me scrub the floor!
He made me call him “your highness”
and more and more and more!


Mailman, mailman, do your duty, here comes miss american beauty.
She can do the can-can, she can do the splits,
but most of all she can kiss-kiss-kiss!
K…I…S…S…(on each letter the child moves his or her feet more and more outward, doing better and better splits. the first one to fall loses)


dressed in yella,
went upstairs to kiss her fella.
By mistake she kissed a snake,
How many doctors did it take?
a box of biscuits a box of mixed biscuits and a biscuit mixer



What would a woodchuck chop if a woodchuck could chop wood If the woodchuck
could chp wood how much wood would the woodchuck chop?


– If you like this page please link to it!



Bubble gum, Bubble gum in a dish how many pieces do you wish? 1..2..3..4..5..

Red lorry yellow lorry

Proper,copper,coffee pot(10X)

D I S H choice sleeping beauty criss cross criss cross around the world pop up
cigarate mumbo (intill the person stops.)

on and on

Here in Brazil we use to sing a skipping rope song like this:

A man knocked into my door And I just opened Mr. and Mss. Hop in one foot Mr. and Mss. turn

around Mr. and Mss. touch the ground And, get, get out!!! (Kids are supposed to
do what the song says)
Round the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.


Going to a party don’t know what to wear
My pants fell down, I had no underware
how much seconds did I cry? 1…2…3…4…


Honey Bear, Honey Bear touch the ground
Honey Bear, Honey Bear turn around
Honey Bear Honey Bear how old are you?


Lollipop Molly invited to a show,Father dies and she can’t go.

She broke her shoe, jumping out of thew window.
What did she jupm intooo.
Money or honey,  
money or honey …..(until lands on one)

Money= She bought new shoes, and learned her don’ts and doos.
She went to the show, and what did she see?
jumping on a trampoline!.

She hid from papa, and went back home and found her mother sitting alone.
mama had a burrden of sorrow, and waited til the morrow.

Honey=She was sticky with gunk. So she needed a favor from her handsome
neighbor. She cleaned herself with care, and was delighted when they both went
to the fair!!



Blue Bells Cockle Shells Eevie Ivy Over
My Dogs name is Rover He died last
October January……   (keep counting until the person reaches their birthmonth)
1..2..3…     (keep counting until the person reaches their bithday)



inky binky donkey daddy had a donkey donkey died daddy cried inky binky bonkey
(name) and (name) sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love and then
comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby’s carriage



England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales Inside, Outside, Inside, ON!!!!!!
Miss Suzie was a baby baby miss suzie was a baby nd she went like this wa wa
suck my thumb give me a peice of bubble gum.. Miss suzie was a toddle toddler
miss suzie was a toddle and she went like this wa-wa suck my thumb give me a
peice buddle gum.. Miss suzie was child child miss suzie was a child and she
went like this wa-wa suck my thumb give me a peice bubble gum.. miss suzie was a
teenager miss suzie was a teenager and she went like this wa wa suck my thumb
give me a piece of bubble gum..miss suzie was a adult adult miss suzie was an
adult and went like this-wa was suck my thumb give me a piece of bubble gum..
miss suzie was an old lady old lady miss suzie was an old lady and went like
this wa was suck my thumb give me a peice of buddble gum.. miss suzie was an
angel angel miss suzie was an angel and went like this wa wa suck my thumb give
me a peice of bubble gum. ((repeat all that like the miss suzie was a _______
w/e (go from baby, toddle, child, teen, adult, old lady, and than an angel.(It’s
kindof weird.)



Mailman, mailman, Do your duty Here comes miss American Beauty. She can do the
pom-pom (move arms like cheer-leader) she can do the splits, (bend down to touch
both toes) but most of all, she can kiss kiss kiss, (clap hands with partner)
with her red.. hot.. lips. K.. I .. S.. S (move feet apart further outward with
each letter. First person to fall loses.)



Cinderella, dressed in yella,
went upstairs to kiss her fella.
By mistake she kissed a snake,
How many doctors did it take?
1…2…3…4… – Tue Aug 12 2003


Mailman, mailman, do your duty, here comes miss american beauty. She can do the can-can, she can do the splits, but most of all she can kiss-kiss-kiss! K…I…S…S…(on each letter the child moves his or her feet more and more outward, doing better and better splits. the first one to fall loses) – Tue Aug 12 2003



Fudge fudge call the juge mamas gonna have a baby rap it in tolit paper sind it down the elevator boy, girl, twins,triplits – Mon Oct 20 2003



Fudge,Fudge Fudge,Fudge here comes the judge(fill in name)is gonna have a baby Wrap it up in toliet paper send it down the escaltor Boy,girl,brat,twins(keep going until someone makes a mistake) – Sun Oct 26 2003


<——- –Some of the songs following may be repeated untill I get time to tidy this page —–>


Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss her fella. By mistake she kissed a snake, How many doctors did it take? 1…2…3…4… – Tue Aug 12 2003


Mailman, mailman, do your duty, here comes miss american beauty. She can do the can-can, she can do the splits, but most of all she can kiss-kiss-kiss! K…I…S…S…(on each letter the child moves his or her feet more and more outward, doing better and better splits. the first one to fall loses) – Tue Aug 12 2003


Ms. Suzie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, (ding-ding) Ms. Suzie went to heaven and the steamboat went to- hello operator, please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me I will chop off your- behind the fridgerator, there was a piece of glass, miss suzie sat upon it and it went straight up her- ask me no more questions, please tell me no more lies, the boys are in the bathroom, zipping up their- flies are in the courtyard, bees are in the park, the boys and girls are kissing in the D-A-R-K dark dark dark! The dark is like a movie, a movie’s like a show, a show is like my TV set and that’s not all I know I know my ma, I know I know my pa, I know I know my sister with the alligator bra! My mom gave me a nickel, my dad gave me a dime, my sis gave me her boyfriend, who hit me all the time! I gave mom back the nickel, I gave dad back the dime, I traded back the boyfriend, Instead got frankenstien! He made me wash the dishes, he made me scrub the floor! He made me call him “your highness” and more and more and more! – Tue Aug 12 2003


A sailor went to sea sea sea To see what he could see see see But all that he could see see see Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea A sailor went to China** To see what he could China But all that he could China Was the bottom of the deep blue China **every time you say China, put your hands together and bow. A sailor went to Texas*** to see what he could Texas but all that he could Texas was the bottom of the deep blue Texas! *** Every time you say Texas, move your right arm around in the air, like twirling a lasso A sailor went to doo-wop, doo-wop,**** to see what he could doo-wop, doo-wop, but all that he could doo-wop, doo-wop, was the bottom of the deep blue doo-wop, doo-wop!!! **** Every time you say doo-wop, doo-wop, shake your butt like you’re dancing. – Tue Aug 12 2003


Kookaburra sits in the old GUM tree Merry, merry king of the BUSH is he, Laugh kookaburra, luagh Kookabuura, gay your life must be. This is an Australian song please change the words so that they are Australian not an American or British barstardisation of the words! – Fri Sep 12 2003


Fudge, Fudge Call the judge. (girl’s name) having a baby wrap it up in tissue paper, send it down the elavator. One, tow, three, four, five….. – Mon Oct 20 2003


you dont have fuge fuge call the juge mamas gonna have a baby rap it in tolit paper sind it down the elevator boy, girl, twins,triplits – Mon Oct 20 2003

Fudge,Fudge Fudge,Fudge here comes the judge(fill in name)is gonna have a baby Wrap it up in toliet paper send it down the escaltor Boy,girl,brat,twins(keep going until someone makes a mistake) – Sun Oct 26 2003


For ‘Hello, hello, hello, sir’ we used to end like this in Yorkshire ‘Catching polar bears, sir’ ‘How many did you catch?’ ‘One two three, sir, The rest caught me, sir!’ and the child runs out – Tue Nov 18 2003


This is a really good page but i think with all the songs you should list what there for eg.fench skipping and then list all the French skipping rhymes – Wed Nov 19 2003


ronald mc donald mc donald..(a biscuit)..ooo sexy mama (a biscuit) how do u like my lover? (a biscuit) he’s so fine… (a biscuit) taste like cherry wine (a biscuit)… now repeat after me (speed up paste)….i said a ice cream soda pop, ginerale lolipop..ABCDEFG…i said a get yo dirty hands off me, i said a oooosha oooosha oooosha now FREEZE! – Sun Nov 23 2003


jam, jam, apple tart, tell me the name of your sweetheart, A, B, C…. (faster and faster, then letter stopped on use in next part) ____(name using letter stopped on) do you love me, yes, no, maybe so, yes no maybe so…… – Fri Feb 13 2004




Cinderella, dressed in blue, Who’s gunna go to the ball with you?! A, B, C, D, E, … ect. – Sat Mar 20 2004


Bubble gum, Bubble gum in a dish how many pieces do you wish? 1..2..3..4..5.. – Thu Apr 15 2004

D I S H choice sleeping beauty criss cross criss cross around the world pop up cigarate mumbo (intill the person stops.) – Fri Apr 16 2004


Stupid you stupid me how long can we be stupid be
919293949596979899100 on and on – Fri Apr 16 2004


Here in Brazil we use to sing a skipping rope song like this: A man knocked in to my door And I just opened Mr. and Mss. Hop in one foot Mr. and Mss. turn around Mr. and Mss. touch the ground And, get, get out!!! (Kids are supposed to do what the song says) – Thu Apr 22 2004


Going to a party don’t know what to wear My pants fell down, I had no underware how much seconds did I cry? 1…2…3…4… – Sat May 29 2004


Honey Bear, Honey Bear touch the ground Honey Bear, Honey Bear turn around Honey Bear Honey Bear how old are you? 1…2…3…4… – Sat May 29 2004


Blue Bells Cockle Shells Eevie Ivy Over My Dogs name is Rover He died last October January……(keep counting until the person reaches their birthmonth) 1..2..3…(keep counting until the person reaches their bithday) – Sat Jun 26 2004


inky binky donkey daddy had a donkey donkey died daddy cried inky binky bonkey – Thu Jul 15 2004


(name) and (name) sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love and then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby’s carriage – Mon Aug 02 2004


England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales Inside, Outside, Inside, ON!!!!!! – Thu Aug 19 2004

Anyone know the Dr.Pepper one, or the one that included the verse, Girls go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to jupiter to get more stupider??? – Tue Sep 07 2004


i need to hear samples or know the tune to them – Sat Sep 11 2004


Have you ever heard the jump rope song that started after the flu epidemic of 1918? It ends with……I opened the door and in flew enza. I think it starts…..there was a bird who’s name was enza…. – Fri Oct 29 2004


Fortune teller fortune teller please tell me who my boyfriends gonna be (count through the abc’s until the person messes up) and whatever the letter is you make a name out of it like if its J then its like josh – Sat Dec 11 2004


All in together girls Mighty fine weather girls When is your birthday Please run out January February March April May June July August September October November December Bluebells, cockleshells Eevie ivy over My mother sent me to the store And this is what she sent me for Salt Vinegar Mustard Pepper. (turn rope quickly on “pepper”) – Mon Dec 13 2004


-double double this this double double that that double this double that double double this that! single single this this… ect. -down by the bay with the hanky panky where the bull frog frog jumps from bank to bank he says hip hop dilli-op-she-bop, last one outs a bullfrog let me hear ya say 1, 2, 3… – Tue Dec 28 2004


ask me what to do on a date, i know for sure just what i’ll say, kiss all night and kiss all day how many kisses would make him stay 1, 2, 3, 4… – Tue Dec 28 2004


candy apple on a stick makes my tummy really sick not sick in a good way or sick because i met the boyz behind the bus not sick because iv been so mean or ’cause i kissed a boy behind the magazine im to my stomack oh so sick because i ate candy apple on a stick – Tue Dec 28 2004


Kookaburra sits on the electric wire If he doesn’t shift he’ll catch on fire Dance, Kookaburra dance, Kookaburra Hot your life must be Clapping game: Under, the bamboo, Under, the tree cha cha cha True love, for me cha cha cha (does anyone know how this one goes? It was one of my favourites.) – Wed Dec 29 2004


Spongebob squarepants lives down in the sea
how many humans can he spot but me 1,2,3…..
– Tue Jan 04 2005


Raven can see the future as clear as can be
I wonder what will happen next to me:
Dating, Marriage, or kissing my babe
(repeat until jumper stops) – Tue Jan 04 2005

Polly in the kitchen chewing bubble gum,
in popped the boogie man and asked for some! – Sat Jan 08 2005

I went downtown to see charlie brown he gave me a nickle so I baught a pickle but the pickle was sour so i got a flour but the flour was dead so this is what he said down down (move arms down) baby (cradle arms) down (move arms down) by the water fall (sprinkel hands down asif it was raining) sweet sweet honey (lick finger) never guna let you go (shake finger) just because i kissed (kiss hand) doesnt mean i love you( pat heart) shimmy shimmy cocopops show of ur body (stand in model pose and jump) shimmy shimmy cocopops i know karate (stand in karate position and jump) shimmy shimmpy cocopops freaze(stairing contest) **Note: Doe this with partner. – Wed Jan 19 2005

I remember a playground song/game from the 1960’s that started …
In and out the fairy bluebells, (3 times) ee, aye, oh,
Tap a little boy/girl upon their shoulders (3 times) Ee, aye, oh
Lynda, Manchester, England. – Fri Feb 04 2005

Ice cream soda cherry on top whos your boy friend I forgot? A,b,c,d,e,f,g…..(and so on. The letter you land on you make up a name) – Sat Feb 05 2005

Miss Sue ,Miss Sue Miss Sue from Alabama, Alaska, Nebraska take me to the movies, chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom, boom, boom Daddy’s got measles, momy’s got the flu.i’m not lieing and niether are you. Hey _________(partner)-whose calling my name? Hey _________(you) whose playing my game? sittin’ in a rocker eatin’ betty croker, watch the clock go tick, tock, tick-tock-bananah-rock, ick, tock, tick-tock-bananah-rock, boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa twelve o’clock boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa twelve o’clock A, B, C, D, E, F , G wash those nasty germs off of me. betcha can’t,betcha can’t, betcha can’t freeze (who ever moves first loses) – Tue Feb 08 2005

Miss Sue ,Miss Sue Miss Sue from Alabama, Alaska, Nebraska take me to the movies, chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom, boom, boom Daddy’s got measles, momy’s got the flu.i’m not lieing and niether are you. Hey _________(partner)-whose calling my name? Hey _________(you) whose playing my game? sittin’ in a rocker eatin’ betty croker, watch the clock go tick, tock, tick-tock-bananah-rock, ick, tock, tick-tock-bananah-rock, boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa twelve o’clock boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa, boom-chicka-wawa twelve o’clock A, B, C, D, E, F , G wash those nasty germs off of me. betcha can’t,betcha can’t, betcha can’t freeze (who ever moves first loses) – Tue Feb 08 2005

A variant of yours: (Ancecdote from childhood: an indian story; as in Minnehaha Falls in the Twin Cities) minnie minnie ha ha went to see her papa papa died minnie minnie cried minnie had a baby named it tiny tim put him in the bathtub taught him how to swim Ate all the water drank all the soap Died the next morning with a bubble in his throat minnie called the doctor the doctor called the nurse the nurse called the lady with the alligator purse mumps said the doctor measles said the nurse dead said the lady with the alligator purse – Thu Feb 10 2005

Ice cream soda pop lemonade tell me the intails of your boyfriends name is it a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z (when miss make up a name) – Sat Feb 12 2005

H E L P Repeat untill they make a mistake. H-hot pepper(fast) E-eyes close(jump rope withe eyes closed) L-leapfrog(jump like a frog) P-plain(regular) – Thu Feb 17 2005

carmel apple on a stick make my tummy go 246 not because i’m dirty not because i’m clean just because i kissed a boy behind a i magazine…hey girls wanna have some fun here comes——–(a guys name)with his pants undone he can wiggle he can wobble he can do the splits but best of all he can kiss with his red hot lips like this ( kiss someone) – Tue Feb 22 2005

Miss Mop Sitting in the old chair drinking pop Miss Mop Watching the clock go tick tock banannas in pyjamma,tick tock,banannas in pyjamma A B C D E F G wipe those cob webs off your knees moosher ,moosher,moosher moo hello,good bye and i say whoo – Thu Feb 24 2005

Polly put the kettle on ,,Polly put the kettle on ,,Polly put the kettle ,,we,,ll all have tea. Suki take it off again ,,Suki take it off again ,,Suki take it off again they,ve all gone away . – Tue Mar 08 2005

this game needs 4 ppl to play, 2 to turn the rope and 2 to take turns jumping: Sitting ing the classroom chewing bubble gum! In comes the teacher, (repeat until 2nd person jumps into rope) out goes the gum! (repeat until 1st person jumps out of rope) (start song over again until both jumpers mess up, then switch jumpers) – Sat Mar 12 2005

Played in at Central, NY, Transfiguration Catholic School This game needs 4 ppl to play, 2 to turn the rope and 2 to take turns jumping: Sitting ing the classroom chewing bubble gum! In comes the teacher, (repeat until 2nd person jumps into rope) out goes the gum! (repeat until 1st person jumps out of rope) (start song over again until both jumpers mess up, then switch jumpers) – Sat Mar 12 2005

High, low, jolly, slow, salt, sugar, mustard, pepper – Mon Mar 14 2005

You should put this song in: Judge, judge, call a judge (name) is Having a baby. A boy a girl twins or triplets. A boy a girl twins or triplets. – Thu Mar 17 2005

imma little six grader as pretty as can be be my boyfriend name is bow wow he lives in ohio and this is how my story goes one day I was walking I saw my boyfriend talking to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is how my story goes k-i-s-s kiss you l-o-v-e love you m-i-s-s miss you and this is how my story goes a b c d so keep yo hands away from me. – Mon Mar 21 2005

d for double dutch
i for irish s fir singels
h for hoppers dish – Thu Mar 24 2005

Cinderella dressed in yellow went upstairs to kiss her fellow On the way her bladder busted hom many people were disgusted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1o… ect. – Thu Mar 24 2005

Two little bluebirds sittin’ on a wall (two kids skipping) one named Peter, the other named Paul (each quickly raise their hand) fly away Peter, fly away Paul (each jump out) don’t come back until your birthday’s called January, February…..(each returns on their birthday month) – Wed Apr 06 2005

1 just have sum fun.. 2 tie your shoe.. 3 i am free.. 4 walk out the door.. 5 kick a bee hive.. 6 throw sum sticks.. 7 cya in heaven.. 8 you are late.. 9 let the sun shine.. 10 _______ ( say a name, then jump out) – Thu Apr 07 2005

Fudge fudge Call the judge [name]’s having a baby [boy’s name or her boyfriend]’s going crazy wrap it up in toilet paper send it down the elevator what will it be? a boy, girl, twins, or and alien, a boy, girl, twins, or and alien. – Sat Apr 09 2005

Texico Texico All the way to Mexico can you do the Splits Splits Splits Can you do the High Kicks Kicks Kicks Turn a round round round Tuch the ground ground ground Do it all over again! (Do the actions as it tells you) – Wed Apr 13 2005

Down at the bank of the hanky panky where the bull frogs jump from bank to bank singing A-E-I-O-U skittle diddle cure plunk – Thu Apr 14 2005

Fudge, Fudge, Call a judge ____(A girls name) Is having a baby and ____(Insert Boys name) going Crazy how many babies will they have will they have 1,2,3…count until the person messes up – Sat Apr 16 2005

Going to the beach whatcha going to wear? Bra, bikini, underwear, nothing, bra, bikiny ,underwear, nothing…continue until messes up – Sat Apr 16 2005

little sally walker walking down the street she didnt know what to do so she stoped in front of me and she said hey girl do ya thang do ya thang and switch – Tue Apr 19 2005

123 up the ladder 456 up the ladder 789 up the ladder10 up the lader 12 up the ladder…… – Sun Apr 24 2005

Mailman, mailman, Do your duty Here comes miss American Beauty. She can do the pom-pom (move arms like cheer-leader) she can do the splits, (bend down to touch both toes) but most of all, she can kiss kiss kiss, (clap hands with partner) with her red.. hot.. lips. K.. I .. S.. S (move feet apart further outward with each letter. First person to fall loses.) – Wed Apr 27 2005

kitty cats kitty cats chaseing mice kitty cats kitty cats just to be nice how many mice did they catch? 1,2,3,4…….(keep going till they make a mistake) – Fri May 06 2005

Miss Suzie was a baby baby miss suzie was a baby nd she went like this wa wa suck my thumb give me a peice of bubble gum.. Miss suzie was a toddle toddler miss suzie was a toddle and she went like this wa-wa suck my thumb give me a peice buddle gum.. Miss suzie was child child miss suzie was a child and she went like this wa-wa suck my thumb give me a peice bubble gum.. miss suzie was a teenager miss suzie was a teenager and she went like this wa wa suck my thumb give me a piece of bubble gum..miss suzie was a adult adult miss suzie was an adult and went like this-wa was suck my thumb give me a piece of bubble gum.. miss suzie was an old lady old lady miss suzie was an old lady and went like this wa was suck my thumb give me a peice of buddble gum.. miss suzie was an angel angel miss suzie was an angel and went like this wa wa suck my thumb give me a peice of bubble gum. ((repeat all that like the miss suzie was a _______ w/e (go from baby, toddle, child, teen, adult, old lady, and than an angel.(It’s kindof weird.) – Fri May 06 2005


Down by the ocean, down by the sea. Johnny broke a bottle and blamed it on me. I told Ma, Ma told Pa. Johnny got a lickin’ so ha, ha, ha. How many lickin’s did Johnny get? 1..2..3..4.. – Wed May 11 2005

All in together girls, just like the wether girls, when your birthday come you must jump out. – Thu May 19 2005

How I learned woodchuck: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. – Sat May 21 2005


cinderella dressed in yellow went upstairs to kiss the fellow made a mistake and kissed a snake how many doctors did it take? 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…(jump rope) – Mon May 30 2005


The war is over Mussolini’s dead He wants to go to heaven with a crown upon his head The Lord says ‘no’ He’s got to stay below All dressed up And no place to go! – Fri Jun 03 2005

In the Land of Oz, where the ladies smoke cigars, every puff they take, is enough to kill a snake, when the snakes are dead, they put roses in their heads, when the roses die, they put diamonds in their eyes, when the diamonds break, it is 1988!! – Sat Jun 04 2005

Bluebells in the forest “HIGHER,HIGHER” Bluebells in the forest “LOWER,LOWER” Bluebells in the forest turn around, Bluebells in the forest touch the ground, Bluebells in the forest Hop,Hop,Hop, Bluebells in the forest jump,jump,DROP!” – Sun Sep 25 2005


Fudge, fudge tell the judge (girls name) is having a baby, her boyfriends goin crazy, boy, girls, twin, triplets,…. – Sun May 29 2005

My boyfriend gave me an apple, My boyfriend gave me a pear, My boyfriend gave me a kiss on the lips, So I threw him down the stairs! I threw him over London, I threw him over France, I threw him over the USA, And he lost his underpants WOO! I gave him back his apple, I gave him back his pear, I gave him back his kiss on the lips, And I threw him down the stairs! He flew all over London, He flew all over France, He flew all over the USA, And he found his underpants PHEW! – Mon May 30 2005

Not Yesterday But the other day I saw you kissing (name) is it true yes,no,yes,no,yes,no(till someone misses) – Sat Sep 24 2005
greek grapes – Sat Oct 22 2005

November 2005 Updates

WHEN SUZIE WAS A SCHOOLGIRL: When Suzie was a baby, a baby Suzie was , And she said( with actions)”wah,wah,a wah,wah,wah” When Suzie was a toddler,a toddler Suzie was And she said (with actions)”Gah,gah,a gah,gah,gah” When Suzie was a schoolgirl,a schoolgirl Suzie was And she said(with actions)”Miss!Miss! I can,t do this!” When Suzie was a teenager, a teenager she was And she said(with actions)”Ooh,Aaah, I lost my bra, I left my knickers in my boyfriends car!” ( sung by Junior school girls playing french skipping in the playground 1970’s South West England) – Thu Nov 17 2005

December 2005 Updates

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick (rock baby in arms) So she called for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick (hold telephone to ear) The doctor came with his bag and his hat (touch imaginary bag and hat) And he knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat (knock on door) He looked at the dolly and he shook his head (shake head) And he said Miss Polly put her straight to bed (wag finger as telling her off) He wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill (write on imaginery paper) I’ll be back in the morning with my bill, bill bill (skip double speed on bill) 1 Dec 05 – Thu Dec 01 2005

fudge,fudge,call the judge(name),having a baby, her boyfriends going crazy, how many babys will she have,1,2,3,4…. what kind of babys will she have,boy,girl,twin,triplets….what will their names be(start with a and go on until they stop on a letter and then pick the name.kepp on doing it until you cover all the babys names) – Sat Dec 03 2005

my momma your momma live across the street 18 19 soda pop street when we get in trouble this is what we say boys are rotten made out of cotten girls are dandy made out of candy (say this part kinda fast) ika boka soda pop ika boka boo ika boka soda pop i love you – Sat Dec 03 2005

Strawberry Shortcake, Apple and Tart, What is the name of your sweet heart? A, B, C….(continue until jumper messes up. Everyone else makes up a name to fit the letter). [Name] took me to the pictures, sat me on his knee and said Dilly Dilly Darlin’ will you marry me? yes, no, yes, no, yes, no…ect – Wed Dec 07 2005

own by the river there’sa hanky panky, two fat frogs sitting back-to-bank, doo-dah, doo-dah, down by the river theres an odd one OUT! (the rhyme starts off with people sitting in a circle cross legged, you put you hands out with one hand above the person sitting next to you’s hand and the other under the other person sittting next to you’s hand. When the rhyme starts,you slap the hand onto of yours, going around the circle. The person who’s hang gets slapped on the word ‘OUT!’ is out.) – Wed Dec 07 2005

Strawberry Shortcake, Apple and Tart, What is the name of your sweet heart? A, B, C….(continue until jumper messes up. Everyone else makes up a name to fit the letter). [Name] took me to the pictures, sat me on his knee and said Dilly Dilly Darlin’ will you marry me? yes, no, yes, no, yes, no…ect – Wed Dec 07 2005

miss suzi had a baby his name was tiny tim she put him i the bathtub to see if he could swim he drank up all the water he ate up all the soap he tried to eat the bathtub but it wouldn’t fit down his throat miss suzi called the doctor miss suzi called the nurse miss suzi called the lady with the alagator purse flu said the doctor cold said the nurse all he needs is candy said the lady with the alagator purse! – Sun Dec 11 2005

(Double Dutch game, 2 ropes at once) Oranges & Lemons The Bells of ST Clemmens Inside, Outside Inside -OUT!(Skipper jumps out of ropes,for next girl) From Caiti 8 & Ambi 6 of Australia. Thanks for some new ones.xx – Sat Dec 17 2005

This is for jump roping chants/songs, “Mail man, Mail man, due your duty, her comes a lady with a big fat booty, she can wiggle she can wobble, she can do the twist, but i bet ya five dollars she can’t do this- Lady on 1 foot, 1 foot Lady on 2 feet, 2 feet (You keep sayin the amount of body parts neede, say for instance 1 foot, you would hop on 1 foot, then for four feet, you would touch your hands to the ground, and jump) – Sat Dec 17 2005

This is for jump roping chants/songs, “Mail man, Mail man, due your duty, her comes a lady with a big fat booty, she can wiggle she can wobble, she can do the twist, but i bet ya five dollars she can’t do this- Lady on 1 foot, 1 foot Lady on 2 feet, 2 feet (You keep sayin the amount of body parts neede, say for instance 1 foot, you would hop on 1 foot, then for four feet, you would touch your hands to the ground, and jump) – Sat Dec 17 2005

BRICK WALL WATER FALL brick wall water fall boys/girls think we got it all they don’t boys/girls do so boom with there atutude ressies pessies 7 up mess wth me i’ll mess you up oops i’mm wrong boys/girls do so boom with there atudtude – Thu Jan 12 2006


_______ and__________ sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then comes maringe then comes______ with a baby carige thats not all thats not all then there drinking achool – Tue Jan 10 2006

BRICK WALL WATER FALL brick wall water fall boys/girls think we got it all they don’t boys/girls do so boom with there atutude ressies pessies 7 up mess wth me i’ll mess you up oops i’mm wrong boys/girls do so boom with there atudtude – Thu Jan 12 2006

All the boys in our school aren’t very nice Except for …………………. and he’s alright took me to the cinema sat me on his knee said my little darling won’t you marry me yes no yes no yes no ……. Wendy, Leics. England – Tue Jan 24 2006

Hi Great site, does anyone remember one like this?… I had a little brother his name was tiny tim, I put him in the bathtub to teach him how to swim, he drank all the water he ate all the soap and out came bubbles when he skipped rope. – Fri Jan 27 2006

there’s a skipping rhyme I’m trying to remember can anyone help? I only remeberthat there’s a red car in it and ” he took it around the (corner- but when you say corner you cay cooooooooorrrrrrner as they jump out run around one person turning the rope and jump back in. – Fri Jan 27 2006

John F Kennedey went to Hawaii And went down to the sea. And the waves got highere and higher (swing rope higher up off the ground) And faster and faster! (Swing rope faster. Jumper is out when they can’t jump over the rope or can’t jump fast enough. – Sat Jan 28 2006

Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a fella, made a mistake, kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take? (count after doctors as far as you can) – Mon Jan 30 2006

under neath the churchyard six feet deep there lies hitler fast asleep all the little mice come and tickle his feet neath the churchyard six feet deep – Tue Jan 31 2006 From Kathy Corcoran Here’s the version of “Fudge,Fudge,” that we had in our neighborhood in Ford River (by Escanaba, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula: Fudge, fudge, call the judge, Mama’s got a newborn baby; It isn’t a girl, It isn’t a boy, It’s just a plain old baby; Wrap it up in tissue paper, Put it in the elelvator, First floor miss. (miss on purpose) Second floor miss. (miss on purpose) Third floor miss. (miss on purpose) Fourth floor, kick it out the door, Mama doesn’t want that baby no more! – Wed Feb 15 2006

Late last night, and the night before a nickle, and a pickle came a knocking on my door. I went downstairs to see who was there, and they hit me in the head with a rolling pin. Old lady turn around, around, around. Old lady touch the ground, the ground the ground. Old lady that will do, will do, will do. Old lady touch your shoe, your shoe, your shoe. – Wed Feb 15 2006

l Policeman, Policeman Do your duty, lookin at the lady wit the big fat booty, she can wiggle she can wobble she can do the twist, but I bet you one dollar, that she can’t do this. Lady on one foot, one foot, one foot Lady on two feet, two feet, two feet Lady on three feet, three feet, three feet Lady on four feet, four feet, four feet! – Wed Feb 08 2006

tip,tio,a arond the clock how meny minttest is it? 1:00,2:00, 3:00,4:00… – Thu Feb 09 2006

Gorgie Porgie Puddin Pie Kissed the girls and made them cry He kissed them once, then kissed them twice, how many tears did they cry? 1..2..3..4.. – Wed Feb 08 2006 strawberry short cake, blue berry pie who will be your lucky guy A-B-C-D-(keep going till they miss) – Sat Feb 04 2006

a b c hit it, that’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, i like it, uh-huh, uh-huh, that’s the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, i like it, uh0huh, uh-huh, you got your way, i got my way, peace punch Captin Crunch, brick wall walterfall, girl you think you know it all but you don’t, i do, so poof witht he attitude. alternate ending: no wait, come back, ithnk you need a tic-tac, not just tic, not just tac, but the whole dang 6 pack – Mon Feb 13 2006

Vote, vote,vote for _________ Whose that knocking at the door? For if it’s ________ let her in and punch her in the chin And we won’t vote for _________ anymore 44, shut the door, say no more. – Feb. 18/06 – Sat Feb 18 2006

teddy bear, teddy bear turn around teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground teddy bear, teddy bear do the splits teddy bear, teddy bear count to six!(person counts until he/she makes a mistake) – Sun Feb 19 2006

When I was a little girl, about so high, momma took a little stick and made me cry, Now I’m a big girl and momma can’t do it, so papa takes a big stick and goes right to it. How many whacks will I get? 1,2,3,4,etc – Mon Feb 20 2006


en francais: dos a dos face a face donner vous la main et changer de place – Wed Mar 01 2006

down in the jungle where nobody goes theres a big fat gorilla picking is nose with a ooh cha ooh ohh cha oohoohchaha how many bogies ddid he pick – Thu Mar 09 2006

correction: accidently reversed the last two line. Old lady touch your shoe, your shoe, your shoe. Old lady that will do, will do, will do. – Wed Feb 15 2006

strawberry shortcake cream on top tell me the name of your sweet heart is it a,b,c and so on – Thu Mar 09 2006





this is a really good site..i remember like all of these rhymes..but i was wondering if any one knew the song about school..its goes something like signing your name on the golden gate..then you spell your name..and then you count to see what grade you are in – Thu Jan 12 2006

what is the rhyme . I joined the navy to see the world – Wed Jan 18 2006

there’s a skipping rhyme I’m trying to remember can anyone help? I only remeberthat there’s a red car in it and ” he took it around the (corner- but when you say corner you cay cooooooooorrrrrrner as they jump out run around one person turning the rope and jump back in. – Fri Jan 27 2006


Hi Great site, does anyone remember one like this?… I had a little brother his name was tiny tim, I put him in the bathtub to teach him how to swim, he drank all the water he ate all the soap and out came bubbles when he skipped rope. – Fri Jan 27 2006


there’s a skipping rhyme I’m trying to remember can anyone help? I only remeberthat there’s a red car in it and ” he took it around the (corner- but when you say corner you cay cooooooooorrrrrrner as they jump out run around one person turning the rope and jump back in. – Fri Jan 27 2006


this is a really good site..i remember like all of these rhymes..but i was wondering if any one knew the song about school..its goes something like signing your name on the golden gate..then you spell your name..and then you count to see what grade you are in – Thu Jan 12 2006


what is the rhyme . I joined the navy to see the world – Wed Jan 18 2006



_______ and__________ sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then comes maringe then comes______ with a baby carige thats not all thats not all then there drinking achool – Tue Jan 10 2006


BRICK WALL WATER FALL brick wall water fall boys/girls think we got it all they don’t boys/girls do so boom with there atutude ressies pessies 7 up mess wth me i’ll mess you up oops i’mm wrong boys/girls do so boom with there atudtude – Thu Jan 12 2006



All the boys in our school aren’t very nice Except for …………………. and he’s alright took me to the cinema sat me on his knee said my little darling won’t you marry me yes no yes no yes no ……. Wendy, Leics. England – Tue Jan 24 2006


Hi Great site, does anyone remember one like this?… I had a little brother his name was tiny tim, I put him in the bathtub to teach him how to swim, he drank all the water he ate all the soap and out came bubbles when he skipped rope. – Fri Jan 27 2006


there’s a skipping rhyme I’m trying to remember can anyone help? I only remeberthat there’s a red car in it and ” he took it around the (corner- but when you say corner you cay cooooooooorrrrrrner as they jump out run around one person turning the rope and jump back in. – Fri Jan 27 2006



John F Kennedey went to Hawaii And went down to the sea. And the waves got highere and higher(swing rope higher up off the ground) And faster and faster!(Swing rope faster. Jumper is out when they can’t jump over the rope or can’t jump fast enough. – Sat Jan 28 2006



Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a fella, made a mistake, kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take? (count after doctors as far as you can) – Mon Jan 30 2006


under neath the churchyard six feet deep there lies hitler fast asleep all the little mice come and tickle his feet neath the churchyard six feet deep – Tue Jan 31 2006

From Kathy Corcoran Here’s the version of “Fudge,Fudge,” that we had in our neighborhood in Ford River (by Escanaba, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula: Fudge, fudge, call the judge, Mama’s got a newborn baby; It isn’t a girl, It isn’t a boy, It’s just a plain old baby; Wrap it up in tissue paper, Put it in the elelvator, First floor miss. (miss on purpose) Second floor miss. (miss on purpose) Third floor miss. (miss on purpose) Fourth floor, kick it out the door, Mama doesn’t want that baby no more! – Wed Feb 15 2006

Late last night, and the night before a nickle, and a pickle came a knocking on my door. I went downstairs to see who was there, and they hit me in the head with a rolling pin. Old lady turn around, around, around. Old lady touch the ground, the ground the ground. Old lady that will do, will do, will do. Old lady touch your shoe, your shoe, your shoe. – Wed Feb 15 2006


Policeman, Policeman Do your duty, lookin at the lady wit the big fat booty, she can wiggle she can wobble she can do the twist, but I bet you one dollar, that she can’t do this. Lady on one foot, one foot, one foot Lady on two feet, two feet, two feet Lady on three feet, three feet, three feet Lady on four feet, four feet, four feet! – Wed Feb 08 2006


tip,tio,a arond the clock how meny minttest is it? 1:00,2:00, 3:00,4:00… – Thu Feb 09 2006


Gorgie Porgie Puddin Pie Kissed the girls and made them cry He kissed them once, then kissed them twice, how many tears did they cry? 1..2..3..4.. – Wed Feb 08 2006


strawberry short cake, blue berry pie who will be your lucky guy A-B-C-D-(keep going till they miss) – Sat Feb 04 2006


_______ and__________ sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love then comes maringe then comes______ with a baby carige thats not all thats not all then there drinking achool – Tue Jan 10 2006

BRICK WALL WATER FALL brick wall water fall boys/girls think we got it all they don’t boys/girls do so boom with there atutude ressies pessies 7 up mess wth me i’ll mess you up oops i’mm wrong boys/girls do so boom with there atudtude – Thu Jan 12 2006


All the boys in our school aren’t very nice Except for …………………. and he’s alright took me to the cinema sat me on his knee said my little darling won’t you marry me yes no yes no yes no ……. Wendy, Leics. England – Tue Jan 24 2006


Hi Great site, does anyone remember one like this?… I had a little brother his name was tiny tim, I put him in the bathtub to teach him how to swim, he drank all the water he ate all the soap and out came bubbles when he skipped rope. – Fri Jan 27 2006

there’s a skipping rhyme I’m trying to remember can anyone help? I only remeberthat there’s a red car in it and ” he took it around the (corner- but when you say corner you cay cooooooooorrrrrrner as they jump out run around one person turning the rope and jump back in. – Fri Jan 27 2006


John F Kennedey went to Hawaii And went down to the sea. And the waves got highere and higher(swing rope higher up off the ground) And faster and faster!(Swing rope faster. Jumper is out when they can’t jump over the rope or can’t jump fast enough. – Sat Jan 28 2006



Cinderella, dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a fella, made a mistake, kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take? (count after doctors as far as you can) – Mon Jan 30 2006

under neath the churchyard six feet deep there lies hitler fast asleep all the little mice come and tickle his feet neath the churchyard six feet deep – Tue Jan 31 2006

From Kathy Corcoran Here’s the version of “Fudge,Fudge,” that we had in our neighborhood in Ford River (by Escanaba, Michigan, in the Upper Peninsula: Fudge, fudge, call the judge, Mama’s got a newborn baby; It isn’t a girl, It isn’t a boy, It’s just a plain old baby; Wrap it up in tissue paper, Put it in the elelvator, First floor miss. (miss on purpose) Second floor miss. (miss on purpose) Third floor miss. (miss on purpose) Fourth floor, kick it out the door, Mama doesn’t want that baby no more! – Wed Feb 15 2006

Late last night, and the night before a nickle, and a pickle came a knocking on my door. I went downstairs to see who was there, and they hit me in the head with a rolling pin. Old lady turn around, around, around. Old lady touch the ground, the ground the ground. Old lady that will do, will do, will do. Old lady touch your shoe, your shoe, your shoe. – Wed Feb 15 2006

Policeman, Policeman Do your duty, lookin at the lady wit the big fat booty, she can wiggle she can wobble she can do the twist, but I bet you one dollar, that she can’t do this. Lady on one foot, one foot, one foot Lady on two feet, two feet, two feet Lady on three feet, three feet, three feet Lady on four feet, four feet, four feet! – Wed Feb 08 2006

tip,tio,a arond the clock how meny minttest is it? 1:00,2:00, 3:00,4:00… – Thu Feb 09 2006

Gorgie Porgie Puddin Pie Kissed the girls and made them cry He kissed them once, then kissed them twice, how many tears did they cry? 1..2..3..4.. – Wed Feb 08 2006

strawberry short cake, blue berry pie who will be your lucky guy A-B-C-D-(keep going till they miss) – Sat Feb 04 2006

do you have the down down baby down down the roller coaster jumprope song – Sun Feb 26 2006

Does anybody know the full words to “Nebuchadnezzar,King of the Jews, Bought his wife a pair of shoes. When the shoes began to wear………” – Fri Mar 03 2006

Does anybody know the full words to “………………”

Help identify these lost rhymes

Can you help identify these rhymes?

I often get people asking if I know the jump rope song which goes like this …..

cowboy joe from mexico hands up stick them up drop your guns and pick them up and out you go – Sat Mar 11 2006

police man caught me put me in jail and all I had was dry gingerale… how many bottles do I get…. count – Wed Mar 15 2006

I think this is an awesome site. I also like the one with the red car in it. If it’s the same one that I’m thinking of, I belive it has the line in it – Policeman caught me and put me in jail. All I had was gingerale. How many gallons did I drink (this is the last line). Then you count until the person goes out. There is also the rhyme – Cowboy Joe from Mexico. Hands up (you put your hands up), stick’em up (put both hands like a gun), don’t forget to pick’em up, cowboy Joe. Same rhyme can be done subsituting cowgirl Sue from Ten Buck Two. I also believe that Spanish Dancer’s starts off with – not last night, but the night before, 24 robbers came knocking on my door. I asked them what they wanted and this is what they said “Spanish dancer’s do the splits, splits (do like a V), Spanish Dancers turn around, around (turn around while still jumping). Spanish Dancers touch the ground, ground (bend down and touch the ground, while still jumping). Spanish Dancers get out of this T O W N town. Then you jump out while rope still turning. – Mon Mar 20 2006

Had a little car 1998 drove around the corner and slammed on the brakes. Polieman caught me put me in jail all I got to drink was ginger ale. How many bottles did I drink? Pitch patch pepper 1 2 3 …. – Tue Mar 28 2006

Had a little sports car nine-sixty-eight went around the cooooooooooorner! (hold “corner” while skipper jumps ut, runs around the turning rope and jumps back in) slammed on the breaks but the breaks didn’t work so i bumped into a lady bumped into a man bumped into a policeman man-o-man! policeman caught me put me in jail and all i had was ginger ale! how many bottles did i have? 2,4,6,8…..(turn rope very fast) – Tue Mar 28 2006

Karen L. Deel
This really goes back to my childhood. I recognize many of them and I am sure the various versions are pertinent to the area you are from. Ducky, Ducky Dancer, do the splits. Ducky, Ducky Dancer, give a hard kick. Ducky, Ducky Dancer, show your shoe. Ducky, Ducky Dancer, Skidoo, Skidoo. – Tue Mar 28 2006
had a little sports car number 98 and i went around the corner stepped onto the brakes but the brakes wouldnt work so i ran into a lady, ran into a man ran into a policeman, man, oh, man policeman caught me put me in jail all i had was gingerale how many bottles did i drink? 10, 20, 30, 40………. – Wed Mar 29 2006


what are gonna wear on your wedding day dress,bikkini,underwear{repeat} – Fri Mar 31 2006

A popular skipping game: Had a little sportscar Z28, Going around the Cooooorner(skipper runs out around rope turner and jumps in to finish the word “cooooo….ner!”) Slammed on the brakes, But the brakes didn’t work, So I slammed into a lady, Slammed into a man, Bummped into a policeman, man-o-man, Policeman caught me, put me in jail, All they had to drink was ginerale, How many bottles did I drink? 1,2,3….. – Fri Mar 31 2006

i remember.. Ala bala bushka king of the jews, bouhgt his wife a new pair of shoes, when those shose began to wear alabalbuschka began to swear, wife wife turn all around, wife wife touch the dirty ground, wife wife show your dirty shoe, wife wife skit skat skidoo – Tue Apr 04 2006

Laura Walsh
the rhyme is beep beep bunny car no.78, went around the coooorrrrnnneerrr.(jump out of rope around one of the rope turners and back in other side) was stopped after traffic lights forgot to pull his brakes. Policeman caught him and put him in jail. how many years did he get, was it 5 10 15 20 etc. – Tue Apr 11 2006

More Jump Rope Songs

[catlist name=jump-rope-songs numberposts=0]

Last updated – by Roland Munyard

20th Jun 2017  – Did a general tidy up
19th May 2013
15th April 2013
11 March 2006
15 January 2006
13 December 2005
26th September 2005
25th September 2005
11th May 2005
28th April 2004


  1. Then the first letter of next skippers name is used, eg c is for Claire bonny bonny Claire we love Claire call out______ prior skippers name.


  2. I had a little sports car
    Two forty eight
    Took it round the cooooooorner
    And slammed on the breaks
    Bumped into lady
    Bumped into man
    Buumped into policeman mana oh man
    The police man caught me
    Put me in jail
    Alls I had was gingerale
    How many bottles did I have
    (rope speeds up until somebody makes a mistake


  3. I am so happy I found the FUDGE FUDGE, Call the judge, Mama has a newborn baby, Wrap it up in tissue paper, put it on the elevator, 1st floor miss, 2nd floor miss, etc. 12th do not miss cause that’s the floor mamma had her baby! The neighborhood & I jumped rope all the time. This was one we jumped to all the time. I couldn’t quite remember the ending for my children, so now I can tell my grandchildren. A lot of the other ones bring back so many memories when I was young. Thank you.


  4. My Mother and your Mother were hanging out the clothes
    My Mother punched your Mother right in the nose
    What colour was the blood
    Blue green red purple yellow etc. (While skipping fast)


    1. I remember that was kind of similar, except it went:
      Tarzan, the monkey man, swinging from a rubber band,
      he fell down and broke his hand,
      what color was his blood?


  5. Doctor Doctor I’ve been thinking
    What on earth have I been drinking
    Smells like water
    Tastes line wine
    Oh my gosh it’s turpentine


  6. Amazing selection of skipping and clapping rhymes. Didn’t see this one from my Irish childhood. It is a skipping rhyme. ‘On the mountain stands a lady. Who she is I do not know. All she want is gold and silver, all she wants is a nice young man, so call in (name) before we go to bed!


  7. Boy
    ( We used to chant this after playing- Strawberry Short cake huckleberry pie who’s gonna be your lucky guy? A,B,C,………. It would mean what you were going to have as a baby with the said ” lucky guy” in Strawberry Shortcake )


  8. I remember the first verse of this one but just can’t remember the 2nd verse anybody know it:

    Operator, operator, give me number nine
    sorry sir, sorry sir, Hitler’s on the line


  9. There’s a rhyme called Chinese Checkers that goes like this.
    Chinese Checkers
    I can do karate
    Chinese checkers
    I can call my mommy
    Chinese Checkers
    Oops I’m sorry
    You better be sorry
    ‘Cause I’m not sorry
    (double time)
    Itsy Bitsy Buttercup
    Ittsy Bisy Boo
    Itsy Bitsy Buttercup
    A boy likes you

    There’s another one that goes

    Lemonade (clap clap clap)
    Crunchy eggs (clap clap clap)
    Beat it once (clap clap clap)
    Beat it twice (clap clap clap)
    Lemonade, crunchy eggs,
    beat it once, beat it twice
    turn around, touch the ground, and freeze!
    (Whoever stays frozen longest wins)


  10. From the fifties I remember parts of one that went:
    Under and over the moon, the moon’s made of glass
    Call on number (insert house number of jumper) the world at last
    .. . .. . .. . . she’s after (insert a boys name) for her young man
    He kisses her he cuddles her, he sits her on his knee
    Says I love you and if you love me
    next (insert day of the week) morning the wedding will be
    (It then goes on something like)
    Up comes the doctor, up comes the nurse ……………..
    and then goes on to count the babies they had
    I’m afraid I can’t remember the rest, can anyone else fill in the bits I’ve missed. I can’t find it anywhere on the internet.


  11. From my childhood in Montgomeryshire, Wales, the rhyme went:
    (Who to marry?)
    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor,
    Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief
    (To the church in a)
    Coach, carriage, wheelbarrow, dustcart
    Silk, Satin, Cotton, Rags
    High heels, low heels, plimsolls, sandals
    Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, glass
    (To live in a)
    Big house, little house, pigsty, hen coop


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